General Secretariat




     Pursuant to Decree No. 80/299 of 26 July 1980 on Administrative organisation of the courts and Law No. 2006/016 of 29 December 2006 as amended and supplemented by Law No. 2017/014 of 12 July 2017 to lay down the organisation and functioning of the Supreme Court, the General Secretariat of the Supreme Court is headed by a Secretary General appointed either amongst registry administrators or Principal Registrars by Presidential Decree.

It is composed of: 

  • a Division of Administrative and Financial Affairs;
  • an Information Technology Unit;
  • a Translation Unit;
  • a File and Mail Office;
  • a Library Office;
  • an Office for Records, Archives and Statistics;
  • an Office for Logistics;
  • an Office for Maintenance and Rolling Stock;
  • an Office for non-Civil Servants.

The General Secretary assists the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the Procureur General in performing their respective administrative duties.

In this wise, he:

  • Performs secretarial duties of the office
  • Coordinates activities of all administrative, judicial and financial services of the Supreme Court and monitors, under the authority of the Chief Justice, the relations of the said Court with the other institutions of the State;
  • Coordinates activities of all administrative, judicial and financial services of the Supreme Court and, under the authority of the Chief Justice and monitors the Court's relations with other State Institutions;
  • Implements decisions of the General Assembly of the Supreme Court which are within his competence;
  • Prepares and draws up the budget and monitors its implementation on the instructions of the Chief Justice, the vote holder or authorising officer;
  • Carries out all other duties assigned to him by the Chief Justice and the Procureur General for the harmonious functioning of the Supreme Court;
  • Supervises staff;
  • Oversees the proper functioning of all services of the General secretariat.                                              

The Administrative and Financial Affairs Division

It consists of:

- a Reception and Maintenance Office,

- a Finance Office and

- a Library Office.

  • +237 222 23 06 77


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